"Pippa's Song", by Robert Browning

The Year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearl'd;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His heaven-
All's right with the world!

Pippa's Song, by Robert Browning

Monday, November 8, 2010

Life , laughter and listening

7th November was a lucky day. I met some one I could gel with. We had been asked to judge a competition called Classmate Ideas for India Challenge, conducted by Krayon and ITC India Ltd. to celebrate the centenary of the latter's existence. I had accepted because I liked teenagers in any size and shape and I was resigned to the fact that the other judge (or judges)  were just another necessary evil and in any case, all I would have to do was spend half a day with them, no more.
Things seemed slated for disaster when I was informed at 8 O' clock that the car which was to pick me up at 8.30am , had reached at 8; and I still had to bathe and dress. I rushed around maniacally and managed to bathe and dress( sari, sindoor,eyeliner, the works)in 17 minutes and before my headlong flight down the stairs, I even managed to snatch up a few chocolates for Ms. Sudha Ganapathy and one big slab of it for my charming student, Preeti Shenoy.
What a pleasant surprise it was to meet Sudha!
I found, for one thing, that we had a lot of things in common.
Books and movies,travelling and literature.We disliked small obnoxious, indisciplined kids.We liked Coventry Cathedral. The same wicked thoughts seemed to occur to us, simultaneously and we soon descended to writing mean comments about some of the things happening around us,in the little note-pad given to us to note down our views about the programme,.and swallowing our giggles and keeping a straight face, so that no one watching us was any the wiser.
We had a blast.
I am glad I met her.
Here's to Sudha.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to you too, Suma. BTW, check out the Classmate website where you can see our photos.
