I have chosen these colours, because your name means the sky, and this is one of the colours of the sky.
Sometimes in life, child, so many unhappy things happen that you wonder why all of them came specifically into your life.You wonder what you did wrong and how you deserved all this, when every one else seem to lead such happy,carefree lives. Some part of you feels envious about their supposed good fortune, and another part feels bitter. You are also wondering why you have to make so many heart-wrenching choices, when others your age are never asked to do so.
Its like this,child.
Into every life, a little rain must fall. It can't always be sunshine. When God looks at you and your life, He has given you a little package of sunshine and rain,laughter and tears,moonbeams and dark clouds. Sometimes, you get all the bad parts all at once and then they are exhausted, and then you can begin to smile again. Sometimes, most of the happy moments come together and the unhappy times come later.Every one is given a fair share of both. It just happens at different times in each life.
I am sorry you are unhappy and if there was anything I could do, other than listening to you, I would have willingly done it. Indeed, I would.
One thing you can do, is, sit down every night and write a small list of three things that you have in your life, that you are thankful to God for.
Even if you were to live a hundred years, you would never run out of things to be thankful for.
Whenever you are unhappy and undecided, and wish to talk, call;and I shall be there.
Reach out. I shall take your hand.
Give your mother a hug from me.
Lots and lots of love to both of you.
Hang in there.
Life is still beautiful
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